So...let's start off with my first cat, Gobo. Gobo was born in March of 2003 and I adopted him from Paws of Gold Feline Rescue ( in May of 2003. I was looking for some type of Maine Coon mix because my friend had a Maine Coon and it was the SWEETEST and friendliest cat I had ever met!!! I went to a shelter down in South Jersey and started talking with a woman who was looking at all of the cute cats who were in the shelter. I told her that I wanted a Maine Coon type of cat, and she said, "I used to work for the Maine Coon Rescue Group, but I hated how they were run. So, a few of my friends from that group joined me in starting a rescue group of our own." They had JUST started this rescue group, and she and I exchanged emails so she could send me pictures of some of the cats/kittens that she was fostering. She sent me one picture and asked if I would be interested in any of the kittens in this image:

I immediately fell in love with the one in the front with the diamond on his forehead! I wrote back to her right away and said I wanted him...she said I was the first to respond, so he was mine!!! Apparently, 3 or 4 other people wrote to her right after I had I got to her JUST in time! I picked up Gobo at her house in Central Jersey and she told me that he was definitely her favorite kitten of the group. She said he was full of personality. She definitely wasn't lying about that one!! Gobo is quite the explorer (which fits well with his name since Gobo Fraggle was the adventurous Fraggle, who was always traveling and exploring)...always curious and SO loving. He is so super soft and he loves to cuddle with me. He is such a friendly cat...never wants to be alone...always wants to be around people. I'm SO lucky to have such an amazing cat!
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