Huge scare...
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on Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I had the most horrible night last night. I stayed home from work because I wasn’t feeling well, and decided that I’d go to the gym to do Pilates at 4:30pm (to get rid of all of my achiness in my body). I got home from work and was greeted at the door by Mokey, as usual. A minute later there was a knock at my door. I opened it up and it was my next door neighbor. He said, “I found your little black and white kitten at my front door…your front door must not have been closed all the way, so I put him back in your apartment and closed the door.” I then realized that Gobo was missing! I searched my whole house from top to bottom. I kept shaking the treats (he usually comes sprinting to me when I do that), but he wasn’t coming. I went into complete panic mode. I called my boyfriend in tears and he said, “I’ll be over as quickly as possible.” I called the police to let them know my cat was missing, and to call me if anyone found him. 3 neighbors were walking their dogs and overheard me (and saw me sobbing), so they calmed me down, grabbed their flashlights, and started searching with me. They told me not to worry…the one girl’s cat got away once, and came back 1 day later. I was like ONE DAY?! I can’t wait that long!!! So, we all went searching through the woods behind my place. I have SO many cuts on my legs b/c there are a million thorn bushes back there – ow! My boyfriend came over with HUGE, bright flashlights that he had just gone out and bought. They told me it should be easier to find a cat at night b/c their eyes will glow. We searched from 6:30pm – 8:45pm (what nice neighbors!!!), but didn’t find him. I was a complete wreck. Another neighbor came out because he had leant my boyfriend another HUGE flashlight, but then realized that his 2 cats were missing!!! How weird is that?! He had left the porch door open, and somehow they knocked down the screen door and got out! So, we were all looking for our cats!!! I finally decided to give up and search again this morning, but my boyfriend said he’d keep searching. My neighbor (who lives downstairs and in the back of the condo complex) was on his back porch and said, “What does your cat look like?” I was like, “Did you see him?!?!” He said, “No…I just want to keep my eye out for him.” As I was describing Gobo to him, I looked by the back steps and saw him sitting there!!!! I was like “Oh my God!!!!!!! GOBO!!!!” I went up to him and he just meowed a sweet little meow, and I scooped him up and sobbed uncontrollably. He nuzzled his head into my arms and I brought him back inside. He had a bunch of dirt all around his neck, but that was all. He wasn’t hurt and he was pretty clean for having been out and about all of that time. I found him around 9pm. I had looked under those stairs before and he wasn’t there….so he must have been in the woods and had come to the stairs when he heard me calling him over and over, and shaking his treats. I can’t even begin to describe how happy I was to find him!!! I’m still shaking a little from the thought of losing my Gobo…he’s like my baby. I woke up at around 4am and he was curled up in my arms, purring SO loudly. I just snuggled with him and fell back asleep…and woke up at 6:30am and he was in the same exact place! I love Gobo so much!!! I need to install a screen door in the front of my house…other neighbors have it…I just have to install it myself! My boyfriend said it’s easy, so I will probably do that in the next week or so.

If it ever happens again, put out open cans of wet food around any entrance/exit to your house/property. You may get some strays too, but it almost always works to bring home your own babies too.
So glad you found him!
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