I've always grown up with dogs. Nobody in my family has ever had a cat. When I was born we had a mutt named Laddie, next we had a sable collie named Prince, next we had a tri-color collie named Shadow, and our last dog was a golden/lab mix named Teddy. My parents didn't get a dog after Teddy because his death was too difficult for them...he was with us for 14 years and became a huge part of our family. By that time I was living on my own anyway...so I always grew up in my parents' house with a dog. Also, my uncle/aunt have always had dogs (german shepards and golden retrievers) and my brother and his family have a dog (golden retriever). My grandfather, who passed the same time as my dog, Teddy, also had dogs...his border collie, Buddy, outlived him.
So, I was the first in the family to get a cat. I really would have liked to have gotten a dog, but not only did the apartment I was living in at the time not allow dogs, but I also have such a crazy busy schedule that I knew I wouldn't be able to properly care for a dog. I work from 8:30am-5pm Monday-Friday, I go to the gym 3-5 times per week after work, and I do a lot of community theater (usually have rehearsals from 7pm - 9/10pmish on weekdays, and sometimes on weekends). I also like to be able to pick up and go away whenever I want to...and that's really difficult to do with a dog. Even though I couldn't have a dog, I knew I wanted a cuddly pet to keep me company. So, I decided to get a cat!
I wanted a dog-like cat since I was so used to having dogs...and I really didn't want a cat who would ignore me. I was getting a cat for companionship, so the last thing I wanted was a snooty, anti-social cat. A friend of mine had a Maine Coon mix and said Maine coons are known to be a lot more friendly and cuddly than other cats. So, that's exactly what I got (the full story about my adoption is one of the first blog entries I wrote, so you can go back to see that story if you'd like). Gobo is great, and he is definitely the snuggly, loving pet that I wanted. The problem now is that I've become a "Cat Person." I don't think I've reached the "Crazy Cat Lady" stage, but I'm definitely a "Cat Person." How do I know that I am a "Cat Person" now? Well, just read on...
Reasons I know I'm now a "Cat Person":
- I carry pictures of my cats with me, and tell stories about them to anyone who will listen....as if they were my children
- My checks have "Cute Kittens" on them
- My address labels have "Cute Kittens" on them
- I have a "365 Days of Kittens" Wall Calendar and a Page-a-Day calendar called "Bad Cats"
- I write a blog that is devoted solely to my cats
- One cat sleeps on my head and one sleeps on my stomach...and I LOVE it!
- I went to a Cat Expo with a friend of mine
- My condo is filled with cat toys, cat beds, and cat trees
- I go to "Yahoo Answers" and answer "Cat" questions all of the time
- I miss my cats when I'm at work
- I miss my cats when I'm on vacation
- I would never date a guy who was either highly allergic to cats or just didn't like them
- I get defensive when people say mean things about cats
- I cry when I see a stray cat that got hit by a car on the side of the road
- In my old apartment, I fed and pet the neighborhood strays, found some of them homes, and even named them
- I tell anyone who has a cat about "World's Best Cat Litter" (seriously the BEST cat litter I've ever used)
- I look at "Cute Kitten" websites and think to myself, "My cats are SO much cuter than these stupid cats!"
- I've submitted pictures of my kitties to "Cute Overload" and "The Daily Kitten," and am upset that neither of them have chosen my photos yet!!!
- When my cats do something cute, I think to myself, "If only I had a camera on me right now..."
- My computer background image is a picture of my cats

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