Gobo LOVES my bathroom sink. He drinks water from his dish, but he loves nothing more than to drink the water that comes out of the bathroom sink faucet. Usually when I go to the bathroom, Gobo immediately hops up on the sink, waiting for me to turn on the faucet. I really don't know what it is about cats and sinks, but there are even websites devoted purely to cats in sinks (http://www.catsinsinks.com/). Too funny! So, here is my cat in sink picture montage:Gobo is just relaxing on the ledge of the sink

I turn the faucet on....
Gobo notices the streaming water...
Gobo gets a taste of the water on his paw...
Gobo dunks his whole head in the sink!
Gobo is exhausted after a big water drinking session...
Gobo is done with the sink water...
Gobo goes back to hanging out on the ledge of the sink
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